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Tapan K Nayak, Shandilya J, Viz R, Bruhova I, Auerbach A (2018). Efficiency measures the conversion of agonist binding energy into receptor conformational change. J. Gen. Physiol. In Press.
Tapan K Nayak, Auerbach A. (2017). Cyclic activation of endplate acetylcholine receptors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 114(45):11914-11919.
Tapan K Nayak, Chakrabarty S, Zheng W, Auerbach A. (2016). Structural correlates of affinity in fetal versus adult endplate nicotinic receptors. Nature Communications 7:11352; DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11352
*Shandilya J, *Gao Y, Tapan K Nayak, Roberts S, Medler K. (2016). AP1 transcription factors are required to maintain the peripheral taste system. Cell Death and Disease. 7(10):e2433. DOI: 10.1038/cddis.2016.343.
Tapan K Nayak, Bruhova I, Chakrabarty S, Gupta S, Zheng W, Auerbach A (2014). Functional differences between neurotransmitter binding sites of muscle acetylcholine receptors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 111(49): 17660-05.
Iacobucci G, Rahman NA, Valtuena AA, Tapan K Nayak, Gunawardena S (2014). Spatial and temporal characteristics of normal and perturbed axonal transport in vivo. PLos One, 9(5):e97237.
Tapan K Nayak, Auerbach A (2013). Asymmetric transmitter binding sites of fetal muscle acetylcholine receptors shape their synaptic response. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 110(33): 13654-59
Tapan K Nayak, Purohit PG, Auerbach A (2012). The intrinsic energy of the gating isomerization of a neuromuscular acetylcholine receptor channel. J. Gen. Physiol., 139(5):349-58.
Tapan K Nayak, Dana S, Raha S, Sikdar SK (2011). Activator-induced dynamic disorder and molecular memory in human two-pore domain hTREK1 K+ channel. J. Chem. Biol. 4(2):69-84.
Tapan K Nayak, Harinath S, Nama S, Somasundaram K, Sikdar SK (2009). Inhibition of human two-pore domain K+ channel TREK1 by local anesthetic lidocaine: negative cooperativity and half-of-sites saturation kinetics. Molecular Pharmacology. 76(4): 903-17
Tapan K Nayak, Sikdar SK (2007). Time-dependent molecular memory in single voltage-gated sodium channel. J. Memb. Biol. 219(1-3): 19-36.
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